Why Should I Care
About Mobile Marketing?

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Because Customer Convenience is Paramount!

Put Your Business at Customers' Fingertips Wherever They Are with Mobile Marketing

Marketing Beyond the Search Engines…

Mobile Marketing focuses on getting you more customers – more money and profits – faster and easier than ever before.

And the best part is that very few of your competitors have any clue whatsoever about the coming tidal wave of mobile marketing opportunities that will skyrocket your business.

“But, I have a WEBSITE… people find it with their COMPUTER… why in the heck would I want to worry about marketing to people’s cell phones?”

Because it’s about CONNECTING better and easier with more of your prospects and customers. Not just more often, but in ways that are more CONVENIENT and easier for THEM.

It’s about making it FAR EASIER for them to do business with you. To read your follow-up messages. To connect with your online information. To get what they need from you wherever they are, whenever they need it, any way they want it.

Why You Should Send Mobile Text Messages

  • Almost all of your customers have a cell phone
  • Get 97% readership of every message you send
  • 85% of your loyal customers want you to stay in touch
  • Reach customers at the exact moment that is best for you
  • Send a campaign as fast and as easily as sending an email
  • Get your message across no mater where your customers are
  • The list of customers you build will become your most valued asset
  • Mobile Marketing Association reports 10 to 1 ROI over other forms of media

5 billion

mobile phone users


of cell phone users keep
their phones with them
all day long!


of text messages sent
are read!

2.5 billion

text messages are sent
every day in the US alone!

Targeted Text Message Advertising – High Impact Communication

Economic times like this call for innovation and so it’s time to find new and creative ways to reach your customer base. These days online marketing can only get you so far, so your marketing campaigns should be complemented with a strong digital communications strategy integrated with text messaging.

Mobile Marketing Reaches Customers

If you think that texting is just for teenagers, think again. According to a survey by mobile messaging company Tekelec, text messaging is competing head-to-head with email as the preferred communication method amongst adults.

You see Mobile Keyword technology all over the TV and hear it on the radio every day. It is advertised in magazines, newspapers, blogs, websites, and billboards. There’s a reason why large corporations utilize mobile marketing – it WORKS!

Here is how it works… people text your custom Mobile Keyword to a short code and join your mobile VIP list. Then an automated response is texted back to them with your customized welcome offer. Later, you can send them important Text Messages that result in huge and immediate response rates that you can’t experience with email marketing alone.

It’s crucial to stay connected with your audience at all times. You can offer incentives to quickly generate mobile signups so you can begin texting them right away. Send out a Mass Text Blast and get results immediately from your audience. Then build customer loyalty programs to target mobile VIPs. We make it all very easy and cost-effective for you.

How can text message marketing work for you?

  • Text-in contests – Your consumers can text-in their number to enter contests and drawings
  • Text alerts for subscribers – Keep your consumers abreast of news, updates, and notifications with easy-to-use bulk text messages
  • Text surveys and polls – Interact with consumers and get instant feedback via text messaging
  • Corporate text message marketing campaigns – Fast and efficient. Quite possibly the most effective marketing campaign that you have ever tried
  • Notification systems – Alert clients of urgent news and updates regardless of their location or access to the Internet. Nowadays, your clients likely carry their cell phones everywhere they go