It’s Social…
It’s Interactive…
It’s Connecting in Different Ways…
It’s in Everybody’s Hands – Everywhere…


It’s Digital, It’s Fast and It’s Now!


We’re in the Middle of a Fundamental
Shift in the Way We Communicate
and Do Business…

BUSINESS WEEK reported that “consumers now are shifting decisively to online information.” The majority of us are researching online BEFORE we purchase offline!

For the first time in history more people are using the Internet then the phone book to find local businesses. Now is the time to transition your marketing budget towards the Internet because it’s a great way to generate a ton of sales, find new customers and dominate your local market.

Consider the following consumer behavior:

Yellow Pages

When was the last time you let your fingers do the walking?

  • 70% of US households use the Internet as an information source when shopping locally for products and services. (Kelsey Group)
  • Product research and comparison shopping happens online, but 67% of those purchases happen offline. (Accenture)
  • 90% of purchases are made within 50 miles of a person’s home. (Kelsey Group)
  • 43% of all searches on Google include a geographical identifier (city, town or zip code).
    • 86% of those people followed up with a phone call.
    • 61% of those people ended up making a purchase offline.

  • 25% of all commercial Internet searches are conducted by users looking for local merchants. (kelsey Group)
  • 84% of US based Internet users performed local searches, or 129 million people, and were looking for a local business.

What about online video?

  • 26 BILLION videos are viewed online per month in the US alone!
  • Online video is more than 60% of all Internet traffic!
  • YouTube is now the #2 search engine!

And the next tidal wave will be mobile marketing…

  • There are 4 times as many mobile phone users as there are Internet users!
  • 33% of those mobile phones use high speed data services!


So… What Does This All Mean to You?

You need to be where your customers are every day…
Online and on their phone…

“But… I already have a website!” We hear this a lot. But… what is it doing for you? A website can be an extremely effective marketing tool that’s part of larger strategy to…

  • Capture leads;
  • Interact and communicate with people;
  • Establish your reputation as an expert in your field;
  • Building trust and relationships; and
  • Generating more customers, all on auto-pilot…

Or, it’s just another pretty brochure that accomplishes nothing!

But, just having a website isn’t enough anymore…

If your business can’t be found when potential buyers are searching online and on their phones for the products and services you provide… YOU LOSE!

Making sure your business gets found involves a strategy called “Local Search Marketing.” This consists of various techniques from optimizing your website for local searches to claiming and optimizing your local business listing in Google, Yahoo and Bing… as well as going mobile with text message marketing and iPhone apps.

In the next 1 – 2 years, smart business owners who are effectively using local search marketing will see their sales erupt like a volcano while those who stand on the sidelines will watch with frustration as their businesses lurch forward at the speed of a glacier! Which One Do You Wanna Be?

Some of the Sites Used for Local Search Marketing

Local search marketing is completely revolutionizing the way people find products and services in their communities. The advantage you have as a small business owner is that our local marketing strategies can produce results swiftly!

We utilize some of the world’s most powerful companies and websites to offer your business the opportunity to outsmart your competition and dominate your local market.

Our services are designed to MAXIMIZE your exposure on the Internet so that you can be found when people search for the products and/or services you provide!


Industry Insights

Follow these links to key external information sources to learn more about the local search marketplace.
