Why Should I Care
About Mobile Marketing?

Because Customer
Convenience is Paramount!


Put Your Business at Customers' Fingertips with Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing focuses on getting you more traffic and more customers – more money and profits – faster and easier than ever before. And the best part is that very few of your competitors have any clue whatsoever about the coming tidal wave of mobile marketing opportunities.

And by the time they catch on, it may well be too late.

“But, I have a WEBSITE… people find it with their COMPUTER… why in the heck would I want to worry about marketing to people’s cell phones?”

Because it’s about CONNECTING better and easier with more of your prospects and customers. Not just more often, but in ways that are more CONVENIENT and easier for THEM.

It’s about making it FAR EASIER for them to do business with you. To read your follow-up messages. To connect with your online information. To get what they need from you wherever they are, whenever they need it, any way they want it. When you make it easier for your prospects, they make it a whole lot easier for you to make money. Whatever you do to make money now, mobile marketing helps you do it faster and easier.


Why You Should Send Mobile Text Messages

  • Almost all of your customers have a cell phone
  • Get 95% readership of every message you send
  • 85% of your loyal customers want you to stay in touch
  • Reach customers at the exact moment that is best for you
  • Send a campaign as fast and as easily as sending an email
  • Get your message across no mater where your customers are
  • The list of customers you build will become your most valued asset
  • Mobile Marketing Association reports 10 to 1 ROI over other forms of media


Targeted Text Message Advertising
High Impact Communication

Economic times like this call for innovation and so it’s time to find new and creative ways to reach your customer base. These days online marketing can only get you so far, so your marketing campaigns should be complemented with a strong digital communications strategy integrated with text messaging.

Mobile Marketing Reaches Customers

If you think that texting is just for teenagers, think again. According to a survey by mobile messaging company Tekelec, text messaging is competing head-to-head with email as the preferred communication method amongst adults.

You see Mobile Keyword technology all over the TV and hear it on the radio every day. It is advertised in magazines, newspapers, blogs, websites, and billboards. There’s a reason why large corporations utilize mobile marketing – it WORKS!

Here is how it works… people text your custom Mobile Keyword to a short code and join your mobile VIP list. Then an automated response is texted back to them with your customized welcome offer. Later, you can send them important Text Messages that result in huge and immediate response rates that you can’t experience with email marketing alone.

It’s crucial to stay connected with your audience at all times. You can offer incentives to quickly generate mobile signups so you can begin texting them right away. Send out a Mass Text Blast and get results immediately from your audience. Then build customer loyalty programs to target mobile VIPs.

We make it all very easy and cost-effective for you.

Here are a few examples of how different organizations could use text advertising services to enhance Brand awareness and increase walk-in foot traffic:

  • Automotive Services: Offer discounts for oil changes, tune-ups, scheduled maintenance, product / service promotions.
  • Restaurants: Offer meal specials, happy hour deals. Tell people about any new menu items, special events (entertainment).
  • Retailers: Offer promotional discounts, available only to the text message recipients. Announce new items, in-store events.
  • Entertainment: Promote feature performers, upcoming acts and events. Offer coupons for early ticket purchase. Offer reduced cover charge.


Your Own iPhone Application!

Put Your Business at Customers' Fingertips with Mobile Marketing

It’s not just the major brands that have (or can afford) their own iPhone apps anymore.

You can too…

BUT, why would I want to – you say?

Because you can connect with people right on their phones. You can push videos, coupons, specials and information about your business right to a cell phone any time you want. Think of the possibilities!

Imagine this… you have a local restaurant, on a Monday night you’re slower then normal and want to fill the seats. You send out a coupon to everyone’s mobile phone for a discount that’s good for the next 2 hours only. Over the next 2 hours you have a full house because you were able to get the message out fast!

Here are some other ideas…

  • Gift Shops: Offer cell phone reminders for future “special” days, such as Valentine Day, Anniversary, and Birthdays.
  • Medical Offices: Send appointment reminders.
  • Golf Courses: Send out tee times available from cancellations. Offer a “golf tip of the day” service.
  • Delivery Services: Send “package delivered” notification.
  • Religious Organizations: Broadcast inspirational messages to the congregation.

Going mobile is a unique way to get attention and sales! Mobile marketing is the wave of the future and it’s available NOW. Set your business apart from your competition and develop more loyal customers who really like doing business with you because of how easy it is for them.

Get More Information

Please feel free to Contact Us for more information about our Services and other ways we can help you and your business. Call us today at 443-787-2552 or click “Sign Up” now to get started with a program tailored to your needs.

Get more calls to your business and traffic to your website today!

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